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Sunday, May 14, 2017

Dhrama / Religion

Dhrama / Religion

The word dharma and religion are seems to be same and as we all accepted the meaning of the word as same in our daily life but in real it is not correct, both have different meaning in their own . The science of spiritualities developed first by Indian (Bharat before) Rishies long time ago to this mankind that’s why in India we have so many words in our spiritual system which till now we don’t have exact meaning in english or in other languages may be some can find in latin language but many are absent there also. That’s why so many Hindi/Sanskrit words are accepted as it is in oxford dictionary  

Dhram  is Sanskrit word and is drived from dhatu shabd  Dhri or dri  which means dharan karna to adopt /to hold / to keep
Now here we have questions in our mind – what to adopt? What is to hold ? and what is to keep ?why to adopt , why to hold ? why to keep?
Religion is English word derived from latin word religare or religio which means to bind
And here we have question like – what is to bind , whom to bind and why to bind?

(Well to bind it feels something have bondage and no one want to have bondage every one wants to be free , how it would feel if we say well come here and you have to bind yourself with this of that because we are free will being and binding ourself is sounds like bondage . or it is force to bind  )

So dhram is not any connection to religion in any sense .and I will use term dhram instead of religion here . so dhram is not for any hindu , christian, muslim or budhist but  it is common to all human or mankind before now and in future too. Dhram is humanity and living with the nature around us. Dhram is rule and law or injunctions in order that we may not degenerate and not get pain n suffering from bodily , mentally and spiritually form  . Dhram is duty of being to the nature and surrounding for the benefit of ourself , society and mankind to attain bliss and to know the true nature of self. And by which our sorrows ,pain and misery vanish and attain bliss n get god.

Now question arise where are those rules n duties come from and who made it ? well the answer to this is very simple , human is incomplete because  human are made as and image of thee, so human is incomplete in his own and have limitations of everything like his senses , body and mind , even human cant compete animals who are consider as lower being to human . So what ever human will make it would be incomplete that’s why things needed to be amended on time to time which are made by human . eg advance versions of apple phone , aircrafts , and other technology etc . So human is not cabable to give any rule n law which was same before now n in future too . now who made those law n duties ? they are given by god itself . and promoted by son of god n other saintly and divine people

One verse in Sanskrit from classics text says:

आहारनिद्राभयमैथुनानि सामान्यमेतत्पशुभिर्नराणाम्
            धर्मो हि तेषामधिको विशेषो धर्मेण हीनाः पशुभिस्समानाः   
’Eating, sleeping, fearing and mating – human beings have these in common with animals.  What distinguishes them from animals is dharma.  Those devoid of dharma are no better than animals’

The Supreme Importance of Dharma in Sustaining the World

Decline of dharma  and ascendancy of adharma ( the opposite of dharma) will result in such chaotic conditions and destabilization on the Earth that the Lord Himself comes down in human form to re-establish the reign of Dharma.  Lord Krishna says :
        यदा यदा हि धर्मस्य ग्लानिर्भवति भारत
        अभ्युत्थानमधर्मस्य तदात्मानं सृजाम्यहम्
        परित्राणाय साधूनां विनाशाय दुष्कृताम्
        धर्मसंस्थापनार्थाय संभवामि युगे युगे   
’whenever there is decline of dharma and ascendancy of adharma,  I take birth Myself on this Earth to establish the rule of Dharma.  In every Yuga I incarnate myself to protect the virtuous and destroy the wicked.’

Sankara’s definition of Dharma

The first Sankaracharya defines dharma in the following words:
                अभ्युदयनिःश्रेयसकारणो चोदनालक्षणो धर्मः
That which the Sruti (the  Vedas) prompts us to do and which will result in our material and spiritual advancement is dharma. 

Dhram is to accept, to adopt, to keep,  or to follow the gods instructions and to know god and to love god. Dhram is that which can not be separated from that thing. Eg. We say dhram of fire is to burn itself n to burn other things and gives light here we can not separate light or burn from fire.Dhram is Sanatan ( eternal) so our dhram is Sanatam Dhram and now it become hindu dhram

According to Sankhya Darshan – dhram is that which protect is from three fold of suffering that’s disease , unhappiness and ignorance

Here our classics don’t talk about love and texts not mix up love with dhram because if we talk about love we will look for love only and keep searching so text only talk about keep or hold of follow such rules and law to make our life get rid of all kind of pain n suffering and get bliss and god . So if we do this what remain is that is only love , love comes automatically no need to search. This is the greatness of Indian system of thought our rishis went deeper n subtler.

Now in modern world dhram become religion and has taken new shape and it comes in hand of community because of hate n jealousy among them and every community has their own religion and even in same community have more sub religions and they all make their own interpretation according to their own benefits and forget the origin sense. That is why now theres no love in society even some religion talks only love . Religion never be hindu chrstian muslim jewish budhist etc.. like the heart of human is same in the body for everyone heart never be hindu muslim christian budhist every human heart work same beats n pump the blood




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