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Thursday, December 14, 2023

Symbiotic Relationship

 Divine force  has designed and programmed his creation that one being support or depends on other by the means of Love &/or Socially connected for their survival and get benefited to ascend towards to his Source  

 Symbiotic Relation -

Two creatures live together in harmony with each benefits from the other’s existence 



In other beings

it is relationship

it is dependency 

Human in a relationship needs each other for Material , Psychological, Emotional , Social support ( Body Mind Soul level ) . 

Living organisms survive better when they are inter-connected 

Business which  depend on one another for the benefit , 

Non- Living  - one material with other material makes other material for the benefit of Human society 


Symbiotic marriage

Marriage or partnership of co-dependency in which the person is entirely depend upon each other for the gratification of their needs like Psychological, Material needs ( Body Mind Should Needs ) and get benefited

Types of symbiotic interaction /  relationships

 Mutualism –  Both species benefit from the association of each other. If one of the species is removed from this interaction then the population of the other species could not survive. So it is like made for each other or soul mates

 In humans its like couples / soul mates , true attachment of love care compassion between any relations

 Humans and Gut Bacteria

 Crocodile and Plovers  - Plovers are dentists to crocodile . Plovers use their beak as toothpicks on crocodile teeth and eat all the food / meat or even plaque which stick in their teeth when crocodile open their mouth while on the river side which protect the teeth of crocodile to get damaged

 corals and fish - Corals provide refuge and safety to fish from their predators and Fish help corals by eating plants like seaweed which harm corals

 Goby fish and shrimp  - Because of the very poor eyesight of shrimp and they can’t  see their predators so  goby fish alert shrimp about the danger so the both hide in the same hole which is only made by shrimp

 Honey bees and flowers  - bees get their food from the flowers  and help flowers to pollinate

 sea anemones and clownfish – Clown fish attract the other and anemones catch them and left over is consumed by clownfish and in return clown fish help anemones to repair and clean their tentacles for the next prey

 Ants and Aphids – Ants the poo of Aphids provide honeydew to Ants as their food and in return Ants protect them


CommensalismOne benefits and other is unaffected like neither helped nor harmed

It is a one-sided relationship . One lives with & / on /in  another  in the form of the host but this interaction neither benefits or harms the host .

 In Human its like Gas lighting ( Click Here ) 

 Remora and Other big fishes like whales / Sharks -  Remora enjoys - Free rides and eat left overs of whales or sharks

 Cattle and Cattle Egret – Egret get benefited by eating incest’s which on Cattles body or who comes near

 Oxpecker and Zebras or Rhinos – Birds lives on animals and eat all the bugs and parasites

 Mites attach themselves to larger flying insects in order to get a free ride.

 hermit crabs, which make their homes out of the shells of deceased snails.


ParasitismOne benefits and other is harmed ( but not kill the host )

One who get benefited is called Parasites at the cost of other which is called Host . Parasite are usually smaller than the host that’s is why they don’t kill the host

 In human its bitter relation one take advantage of other at any cost ego and other material things are the base 

 Cowbirds and yellow birds or other similar birds – Cow birds are brood parasites they never make their own nest and lay their eggs in other birds ( as Host ) nest and host parents take care and feed the eggs n chicks of cowbirds  

Ticks and Dogs

Mosquitoes and Human

Pathogenic bacteria or virus on body

Roundworms found in humans

Dogs and cats


Competition - One  competes with another for the same resources like food land mate  .The competition may be intra-specific ( between organisms of the same type ) or inter-specific ( between organisms of different types )

 In human its pride with jealousy – मेरी साडी उसकी साड़ी से सफ़ेद कैसे , he has Maruti I will but KiA  , she have the diamond set in gold I will buy diamond in platinum, he is the topper this year so I will do more better than him and let him out from competition

 Male birds/animals fighting other male for mate

Trees in dense plant populations compete for sunlight


PredationThey kill their host

one depends on the survival of other . Predator survives by killing and consuming other as their prey

Higher tropic level animal hunts herbivores or lower tropic level animal

Like the culprit survives or gets released by killing their witness 

 In humans its like bitter enmity in relations

Snake and Rat

Cat and Mouse  



ॐ तत्त सत्त