Role of Nine Months and Nine Planets
In the human race a child is born approximately (nearly) after 270 days of conception. In fact, this calculation is related to the mensuration cycle. Generally, a women gets mensuration after 27 days, this is called monthly mensuration cycle . A child is born after completion of 10 cycles of 27 days each, i.e. 270 days. In hindu jyotish moon is the karak of liquid and moon has 27 nakshatras.
First month is ruled by Venus
During the first month from conception the mixture of the semen and ova remains in liquid form hence Venus is called the lord of this month. This process takes place through intercourse for the purpose of the birth of a life. Planet Venus is the karak or significator of the combination of the ova and the Semen. During this one month a pregnant woman should worship planet Venus. Special care should be taken during this period if the planet Venus is combust, retrograde or placed in bad houses in the woman’s horoscope.
Second month is governed by Mars. Embryo solidifies.
In the second month the liquid condition changes into a solid one hence the lord of this month is the plant Mars. Mars is regarded as the son of Earth, so as the earth element , Mars is only the cause of the conversion of the liquid bubble in the womb into the mortal form. When the liquid matter solidifies, flesh is produced in the womb. Mars is the cause of flesh, solid state etc. So during this month this mixture in the liquid state begins to take the shape of a mortal in which stiffness is imbibed. A problem can arise if the planet Mars is in bad position in transit or becomes retrograde , combust, afflicted or placed in bad houses in the woman’s horoscope. The worship of Planet Mars during this month proves to be beneficial.
Third month is ruled by Jupiter. Limbs are formed.
In the third month, hands and legs , ears, toes and fingers etc. begin to develop means formation of the body parts . The sex of the embryo is also determined during this month. The lord of this month is planet Jupiter , the infusion of life in that mortal embryo begins now. Blessing one with life is the of Jupiter, because is the Jeeva hence the saying Jeevo Jeev Pradata.
Abortion and Miscarriage takes place in this month just before entering of the jeeva in the body. As per one team of doctors the a miscarriage is the loss of a pregnancy before 24 weeks, with most miscarriages actually occurring during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.
Jupiter is the significant of prosperity significance / growth and is called life giver. According to modern thinking , development of body organs and activity in the womb foetus begins only in the third month. The worship of lord Jupiter during the third month is beneficial. If Jupiter is in bad position in the horoscope of the woman then special precautions should be taken during this month and if Jupiter is retrograde, combust or in bad houses or in bad position in transit can cause the problems .
Jupiter is the significant of prosperity significance / growth and is called life giver. According to modern thinking , development of body organs and activity in the womb foetus begins only in the third month. The worship of lord Jupiter during the third month is beneficial. If Jupiter is in bad position in the horoscope of the woman then special precautions should be taken during this month and if Jupiter is retrograde, combust or in bad houses or in bad position in transit can cause the problems .
Fourth month is ruled by Sun. Bones are formed.
During the fourth month of the pregnancy bone formation starts in the body. Bones are the symbols of strength and the structure of human body . Sun God is the lord of this month and sun is the karaka of the bones. Problems arise in this month if the Sun is in bad position in the horoscope of the woman . If during this month the Sun is in bad position in transit (either from Rahu or Ketu) that is an eclipse occurs on the sun then problems can arise for the foetus. During this period the woman should worship the Sun God.
Fifth month is ruled by Moon. Skin is supplied.
In the fifth month, blood begins to form in the foetus nestled in the womb. Blood is a liquid form, moon is the significator of all matters in the liquid form in the body and happens to be the lord of the fifth month. The Moon is also the karaka of the mind, emotions are also attributed to the Moon. Circulation of blood comes under the ambit of the Moon. Blood, Veins , Slum etc. are formed in this month. If the moon is in the Bad position, in debilitate sign or is combust then problems arise. During this month, if bad position, the moon is in the bad position in through from eclipse etc then problems await the foetus. If the woman worships the Moon in the fifth month then it proves beneficial
Sixth month is ruled by Saturn. It allows hair growth.
During the sixth month, nails and hair start developing in the child. The lord of this month is lord Saturn. Nails, hair, etc.are subjects attributed to lord Saturn, Nails and hair are inert, they do not have any life in them coz they are lifeless. The proper development of these superficial organs the child. If Saturn is retrograde, in debilitate sign or is in Bad position after being combust then the child in the womb can have problems. Worship of lord Saturn during this month would be extremely beneficial.
Seventh month is ruled by Mercury. Develops nervous system.
In the seventh month, intelligence enter the foetus, awareness comes in this month and feelings of comfort and pain are also experienced .and in this month fat of the skin also develop which is the full formation of skin because the karaka of skin is Mercury hence Mercury is the lord of this month and is also considered the doer of intelligence . It enables the entry of intelligence and arouses awareness by which life becomes active on infusion of intelligence and wisdom. If Mercury is afflicted in the woman’s horoscope then problems are possible in this month.
Eight month is ruled by Lord of Lagna . Umbical cord is formed and it supplies food to the child.
Swami Lagnesh of a pregnant woman, himself has been regarded as lord of the eight month. And in this month If the baby is a boy, his testes will migrate down into the scrotum. The auspiciousness of this month is decided by the position of janma lagnesh . If a woman delivers during this month then a lot of problems are caused to the child. Hence, a pregnant woman extremely needs to take complete rest during this month and the worship of lagnesh. So pray to the lagna lord would be beneficial during these month.
Ninth month is ruled by Sun . Fetus feels thirst and hunger.
Tenth month is ruled by Moon. Child’s mind becomes active and it gets ready for delivery.