Manglik Dosha is a common word now a days . But actual Manglik Dosha is not known to common man.The manglik dosha has to been seen or checked in chart at the time of match making of horoscopes before marriage. In a Natal horoscope, Manglik dosh or Kuja dosha is formed when mars is placed in either ascendant(First House), House of happiness or mental peace(Fourth house),House of marriage(Seventh House), House of longevity(Eighth House) or house of expenditure(Twelfth House). According to some astrologers it has been seen from Moon and Venus and in Navamsha Chart which means every one is suffered from manglik dosha and which seems like a joke. Mars is commander-in-chief among all planets. It represent courage, aggression, vitality, confidence , warrior qualities , self esteem, respect, energy and ego in a native. If manglik dosha is there then it can make a native's temper volatile. Such natives have troubles adjusting with spouse.
Mars in the 1st house(Ascendant): It will have a drishti on (i.e.) it sees the 7th house.4th house and 8th house 7th house being the house of spouse Mars will create quarrels on even minor issues. Here it indicates physical violence and sexual abuse. Because of cruel behavior such a native will be despised by society. Will not be able to gain assets.
Mars in 4th house: It will aspect pm 7th house 10th house and 11th house.This house also represents happiness. This also affects the work area. Will frequently change profession and jobs. Will not be economically successful. No job security.
Mars in 7th house: Here it causes great anger. The native possesses extra energy. Will never be sexually satisfied for the partner will not be able to match such a native. Therefore it is possible that the native has a lot of partners or has an abnormal interests such as domination, fetish, bondage. Also will have differences with family members.
Mars In 8th House: Loss of paternal property and bad relationship with the elders of the family. Will be lazy. Here brothers will also not help. Will vile away the time and will expect the spouse to earn.
Mars in 12th house: Sudden financial losses are indicated in this house. Lot of enemies and the enemies will always trouble such a native. Will have lot of mental problems and anxiety.
If native is born on a Tuesday then native is free from manglik dosha as said by some Astrologers. Mars in any other fiery sign, or if in addition to Mars there are cruel planets like Saturn, Rahu, Ketu in the above mentioned houses then also mangalik Dosha is ineffective.
Effects of Manglik dosha
- Delay in getting married
- Difficulties in marital life
- Disputes and quarrels in marital life
- Mismatch in thoughts
- Divorce
- Death of spouse
Kuja dosha gets canceled in some special conditions as below -
When Kuja is in its own sign Mesha, exalted Karkataka or in the houses owned by planets considered to be his friends viz., Ravi, Guru and Chandra.
If Kuja is in the 2nd house, but in the signs of Mithuna or Kanya.
If Kuja is in the 4th house, but in Mesha
If Kuja is in the 7th house, but in Karkataka or Makara.
If Kuja is in the 8th house, but in Pisces.
If Kuja is in the 12th house, but in Vrushaba or Tula.
For Karkataka and Simha lagnas, Kuja is a yoga Karkataka and so no dosha wherever it is placed.
For Kumba lagna, if Mars is in the 4th or 8th house.
If benefic Guru or Sukra occupies the ascendant.
If Kuja is in conjunction or aspected by Guru or Chandra.
If Kuja is in conjunction or aspected by Ravi, Budha, Sani or Rahu.
Kuja Dosha is considerably reduced, if Sani aspects the houses owned by Kuja, but subject to the other planetary positions in the natal chart. Remember that even if a person has severe Kuja Dosha, after the age of 28, the effects of Kuja Dosha are reduced.
Remedy for Kuja Dosha :
People who are afflicted with Kuja Dosha should marry a person having the same Dosha.
Native must worship Lord Hanuman daily, by reciting Hanuman Chalisa
Keep fast on every Tuesday in Shukala Paksha
They should visit the temple of Lord Hanuman on Tuesday and offer "chola" , sweets , sindoor along with to hanuman
For the period of 40 days keep chanting Sunder Kand from Tulsi Ramcharitmanas. Start it from Tuesday
Donate Grams (Channa), sweets made from sugar
mixed with white sesamum seeds, or masoor dal (red
lentils) to monkeys on Tuesday.
Manglik dosh also cancel if native donate red cloth to
the workers. Prefer to donate it to the workers who
work with sharp iron items.
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